Sunday, 30 September 2012

Healthy Eating Can Really Cheer You Up

“One cannot think well, love well, and sleep well, if one has not dined well”. This quotation from Virginia Woolf ‘s A Room of One's Own seems to sum up what nowadays represents a widespread and commonsensical idea: the foods we eat can affect the overall way our body and mind operate, as well as the way we lead our lifestyle.

Healthy nutrition plays a crucial role in ensuring and maintaining a well and proper body functioning.  Food represents the main source of energy our body needs to work properly, to build new tissues and repair worn-out ones, as well as to regulate metabolism.

Eating the right foods and in the right proportions helps to optimize overall health and performance of both body and mind.

In fact, not only are certain kinds of food highly beneficial in preventing diseases such as diabetes, obesity and heart diseases, but they also have a positive impact on our mood and on the way our brain functions.

Some foods provide us with “good mood” nutrients, such as amino acids, vitamins and minerals necessary for the creation of the natural chemicals neurotransmitters , which convey messages between brain’s cells. The main neurotransmitters are serotonin and catecholamines, well known to play an important role in the brain's emotional center, boosting cheerful mood and increasing motivation, feelings, alertness and even creativity!

For instance, foods high in antioxidants, such as nuts, fish, broccoli, red fruits and vegetables and so on,  can help enhance and aid the “dialogue” between brain cells, their capabilities to exchange information  with each other.  They prevent the death of brain cells and encourage the generation of new ones, preserving the vitality of the brain. The result is a more stimulated cognitive functioning.

Finally, according to what experts at Psychology Today say,  we should “think color" when choosing what to eat, as “anything brightly colored is brain food, loaded with vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that maintain brain health and enhance mental performance."

So, if you feel like giving a fresh, dazzling and creative shape and looks to your dishes, try to choose different kinds of healthy colored food and  “put a rainbow on your plate”, whose nice appearance will also stimulate your sight in a positive and pleasant way.

By Erica Romano   

Monday, 10 September 2012

Food & Creativity

Eating the rich things helps you maintain both a physically healthy body and mind. It keeps you fit with nutrients and vitamins and is used to build neurotransmitters and serotonin, the happy chemical, which boosts good mood and good thoughts! But is this all we can do with food? Some people think not! Here’s how some people have been creative when it comes to food:

There is a giant colourful family of Jelly Baby Sculptures at Marble Arch (although not actually edible) in London’s West End. Created by Bompas & Parr, standing at 10.5ft

Breaking World Records
Nonni’s Italian Eatery hold the world record for the biggest burger, weighing in at more 13 stones!

Epsom salt can be used in bath to relax sore muscles. A few table spoons of yellow mustard will enhance the soothing effects.

Every year, 30,000 In Spain in the village of Brunol, Valencia, 30’000 people come together to  chuck tomatoes at each other to celebrate the town’s patron saints Luis Bertrain & Mare de Deu dels Desemparats and has been a tradition since 1944.

You’ll never look at your dinner the same way again. Maybe there’s something creative you can do too - although it’s not advanced to start throwing food around to celebrate your mum’s birthday!

By Jessica Heath

Food For Champions

The Mini Cooking Club is thrilled to invite you to join us as we celebrate the Olympics the best way we know how, with the Food for Champions Programme.

Together with Southwark Council we have created a fantastic one off programme in which your children will learn about some exotic ingredients, where they come from and how to use them to make some exciting recipes from around the world.

Over the course of eight weeks you are invited to come to our friendly kitchen at The Copleston Centre, Copleston Road, SE15 4AN to try your hand at cooking delicious meals with the full support of our chefs and trusted volunteers. We'll then eat them together as a group with our new friends. Be quick though, as we have limited spaces don't wait too long to sign up.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity, we're looking forward to seeing you there!

By Yancy Jensen