Monday, 21 May 2012

How Eat Your Way to Feeling Energized!

Summer is almost here and we could all do with a pick-me-up, especially after those cold winter months!  Why not try some of these healthy-eating tips?  These should help to give you the energy you need to keep active and make the most of the sunny days ahead.  Enjoy!

Get more iron in your diet

A lack of iron in the blood is a common reason for people feeling tired.  Great sources of iron include green vegetables (such as spinach and broccoli), fortified cereals and red meat.  These can all be enjoyed as part of a healthy, varied diet. 

Tip: Try and limit your caffeine intake when eating foods; caffeine reduces the body’s ability to absorb iron in food.  On the other hand, vitamin C increases uptake, so why not have a glass of orange juice with your meal? Read more...

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