Monday, 10 August 2015

A Space Of Our Own

After several years, the Mini Cooking Club finally has a space it can call home! In collaboration with the London Kitchen Project, aided by a great team from Marks and Spencer’s “Spark Something Good” community initiative, we transformed out new home into a swanky new kitchen, complete with a spacious seating area and outdoor herb garden, in just 16 hours!

 With Cecilia up and ready to take the first delivery scheduled for 7am, it was going to be a long day for all involved. After many hours of hard graft by everyone, the sun went down but the space was finished just in time. 

Spark Something Good

Much of the expertise provided on the day came at the hands of the shop fitting team at M&S. They provided the equipment and skills needed to make the renovations possible in such a limited period.

The campaign’s ambitious goal is to transform 24 community projects in 24 hours. Led by Joanna Lumley and CEO Marc Bolland, they were also giving a helping hand across London to other projects: an unused London rooftop was given a children’s play area, a community farmyard was renovated and a busy soup kitchen given a new dining room and edible garden.

Get Involved

The project brings together M&S customers and employees and allows them to work together to support causes they feel are worthy of help in their local communities. This can be anything from spending time with the elderly, to renovating facilities into something new and much better. If you want to get involved, there is more information here.

Spark Something Good has been developed alongside Neighbourly, which is a social network connecting community projects with businesses that want to help. Without them, and the help of Unity,  we wouldn’t have been able to achieve what we did this week.

The MCC would also like to send a huge thank you to the several dozen volunteers who came and went throughout the day. Everyone’s positivity was so uplifting, with many local residents coming over expressing their excitement at the new collaboration.

We’re really excited to be running our first classes for 5-11 year olds on a Saturday, and hope to have some more exciting stuff happening soon.

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